Saturday, 13 May 2017

Is Luxury Retail Employee in distress or confused in India?

Over the past few years it’s a common turmoil around why well foreign/top Indian fashion institutes educated and well versed polished front end staff is unable to generate sales versus the less educated and groomed working for his bread & butter is able to engender more. It has been recorded extensively that well qualified retail staff from popular renowned global brands fail to deliver after joining a fresh brand or less popular challenging brands. The reason allegedly being behind that most of these people are devouring eminent skill mismatches as they failed in obtaining the obligatory practical skills at the universities. Most of them get carried away with glamour of luxury industry.

Basically the hands-on and proactive skills that employers are seeking from their apprentice in this current scenario has been hugely found missing. This has led to people wondering incessantly about what their futures and distressing about it even after joining hands with the sense of security. So much so that luxury brands have been facing instances where it has been observed that young boys & girls from affluent rich educated back ground have been found thieving in stores or having integrity issues. Surprisingly, custodians of these luxury brands did not take any detectable measures to even correct it further.

There have been occasions where employee of the store selling his own sourced merchandise to the brand customers. The brands tend to provide MTM service to their clients as a part of their privileged service scheme which is being imitated by the employee of the brand at 1/4th price which is done locally. This entire modus operandi is not only hampering the brand value but also making the complete time & effort go in pure vain.

One such incident that I noted not so long before was a renowned luxury brand that was found to be selling fake replicas of their own brand inside the store. This was then conducted with the help of entire store team. At times the employee also ten

Prem Dewan

DLF Emporio Mall, Delhi

The post Is Luxury Retail Employee in distress or confused in India? appeared first on CPP-LUXURY.

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