Wednesday 21 September 2016

Apple In Talks To Aquire McLaren

Breaking! Financial Times reports that Cupertino-based Apple is in talks to acquire McLaren, the supercar company:

“The California technology group, which has been working on a self-driving electric vehicle for more than two years, is considering a full takeover of McLaren or a strategic investment, according to three people briefed on the negotiations who said talks started several months ago.”

“A tie-up with McLaren, whose expertise ranges from automotive engineering and on-board computer systems to novel chassis materials such as carbon fibre and aluminium, could accelerate Apple’s secretive automotive project.”

Of course, Apple and McLaren declined to comment on the news. Tim Cook has never publicly acknowledged Apple’s automotive project, but many of its top executives are fans of luxury cars. Cook drives a BMW 5-Series, Phil Schiller, Apple’s marketing head, owns a McLaren, while Eddy Cue, its services head, sits on the board of Ferrari, and designer chief Jonathan Ive is a Bentley and Aston Martin enthusiast.

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