pGeorge Bernard Shaw once said, "There is no sincerer love than the love of food." Experiencing the romance of gastronomy, Four Seasons takes you on a journey of global flavours curated by the world-renowned Copenhagen restaurant Noma./p pThe Four Seasons Private Jet is known to offer an unforgettable experience in all its fineries, from travel to accommodation, tailor-made experiences and much more. One such fascinating trip is Culinary Discoveries, a journey that will track the evolution of food, culture and creativity across Asia and Europe. The menu is curated by Chef Renandeacute; Redzepi of Noma, who will ensure guests experience scrumptious delights at some of the world's best restaurants and private kitchens. Additionally, guests will also enjoy Four Seasons' five-star service on the ground as well as in the air with a dedicated concierge. The trip will begin from May 27th, 2017, continuing till June 14th, 2017. The journey is priced at $135,000 (approx. INR 89 lakhs)/p pHere is a preview video of this global journey designed for culinary connoisseurs:/p p style="text-align: center;"iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/161211340?title=0andamp;byline=0andamp;portrait=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"/iframe/p pemImages via a rel="nofollow" href="http://privatejet.fourseasons.com/fs/culinary-discoveries" target="_blank"Four Seasons/a/em/p
from Luxpresso http://www.luxpresso.com/photogallery-lifestyle/luxury-food-take-a-food-trip-around-the-world-with-four-seasons-private-jet/16050428
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