Thursday 26 May 2016

Rio Tinto Unveils Largest-Ever North American Mined “Foxfire” Diamond

Rio Tinto recently unveiled in New York “Diavik FoxFire,” the largest gem-quality rough diamond on record to have been found in North America.  At an impressive 187.7 carats, FoxFire was discovered at the Diavik Diamond Mine in the remote Northwest Territories of Canada, 200km south of the Arctic Circle, and is more than 2 billion years old!

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This “true miracle of nature” according to Rio Tinto Diamonds & Minerals chief executive Alan Davies, was first showcased at Kensington Palace in London, before traveling to New York, and then on to Tel Aviv and Antwerp for additional invitation-only viewings with prospective bidders.

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According to Patrick Coppens, General Manager of Sales for Rio Tinto Diamonds, “The combination of the Diavik Foxfire’s size, fascinating provenance, and ethical pedigree is an important moment in time for the diamond industry. We many never again see a diamond of that size and quality from a Canadian diamond mine.”

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The rough diamond is anticipated to yield at least one very large polished diamond… with its ultimate destiny likely in an exclusive heirloom piece of jewellery.

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