Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Christie's to Auction Shakespeare's First Four Folios

p/p pandldquo;We know what we are, but know not what we may be,andrdquo; said William Shakespeare; little did he know what he would mean to the masses one day. br /br /It has been 400 years since the Bard of Avon left for his heavenly abode; but hisandnbsp;andnbsp; valuable contribution to literature has kept him alive in the heart of a literarian.. And while every literature lover is expressing his loyalty in some or the other way to honour Shakespeareandrsquo;s 400th death anniversary, Christieandrsquo;s is all set to commemorate the day with the auction of the literature legendandrsquo;s first four folios at King Street, /br /Scheduled for the 25th of this month, the four-lot sale will feature the first editions of Shakespeareandrsquo;s collected works. This first of the andlsquo;Holy Grailandrsquo; collection, and its highlight, is an unrecorded copy of the book published in 1623, one of the most important literary publications in English language. It comprises 36 plays, of which 18 were not printed previously and would have otherwise been lost forever. The collection, particularly those 18 plays, is considered to be a representation of Shakespeare and his extraordinary knowledge./p pandnbsp;/p p style="text-align: center;"/p pbr /The copy is expected to fetch INR 13 lakhs, approximately. One can also get a glimpse of these literary masterpieces at the Christieandrsquo;s pre-sale auction./p pandnbsp;/p pemImages via a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"Christie's/a/em/p pembr //em/p pstrongMore On andgt;andgt; a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"Art andamp; Auctions/a/strong/p

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