Wednesday 6 January 2016

Jaeger-LeCoultre plays off new year’s sentiment to position movement

Jaeger-LeCoultre's True Second illustration

Jaeger-LeCoultre’s True Second illustration

Swiss watchmaker Jaeger-LeCoultre is encouraging consumers to “make every second count for 2016” by touting the sophistication of its movements.

In an email blast linking the new year and horology, Jaeger-LeCoultre reinforced its brand identity by showcasing its watch complications. Within the email, Jaeger-LeCoultre offers horologists insights into its brand through video and educational content that furthers the consumer’s experience with the watchmaker.

“At this time of the year, it’s a great idea to remind customers of the values a brand stands for by highlighting product innovations, service improvements, and the consistently high standard a brand holds itself to,” said Mike Parapetti, art director at YesMail. “To add an a layer of relevance and personalization, emails can target consumers based on past experiences, known preferences, or focus on a brand’s value and message.

“While sending campaigns right after the New Year can be risky due to consumers tuning out promotional messaging after the avalanche of brand emails over the holidays, Jaeger-LeCoultre has managed to avoid the risk by taking an educational approach to communicating its brand value,” he said.

Mr. Parapetti is not affiliated with Jaeger-LeCoultre, but agreed to comment as an industry expert.

Jaeger-LeCoultre was unable to comment directly by press deadline.

Seconds tick by
The Richemont-owned watchmaker values precision, convenience, ease of use and balance. These DNA qualities are represented in Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Geophysic True Second timepiece, a watch capable of marking every second.

Jaeger-LeCoultre’s email begins with a video player set against the face and hands of a Geophysic timepiece. Copy overlaid above reads, “True second, make every second count.”

jlec.geophysic true second
Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Geophysic True Second in rose gold 

When the video play button is selected, consumers are directed to Jaeger-LeCoultre’s YouTube account where a 70-second film, titled “Focus on the True Second complication,” automatically begins to play.

The video’s content is dedicated to the Geophysic True Second, an independent mechanism within Jaeger-LeCoultre’s timepieces. To emphasize this, Jaeger-LeCoultre showed the second hand of the watch ticking by as the mechanism spins beside it.

Next, the video shows a timepiece being wound and text tells the viewer that as the time is set, the second hand operates without assistance. This ensure that the watch keeps accurate time.

As the film continues, the viewer is introduced to a variety of watch movements including the automatic Caliber 770 and the Gyrolab balance wheel, aspects of a Jaeger-LeCoultre that help the timepiece keep perfect time. The video then ends with a man wearing a Jaeger-LeCoultre on his wrist.

Focus on the True Second complication

If the consumer maintains focus on the email from Jaeger-LeCoultre, the watchmaker also presents detailed text explaining the importance of a True Second.

In two sections, Jaeger-LeCoultre uses visuals to explain the difference between a conventional second and a True Second. The following section shows the interior mechanisms of a watch that keeps a conventional second and True Second, showing the sophistication of the latter. Here, Jaeger-LeCoultre reiterates that a “True Second operates without disturbing the running of the watch.”

jlec.true second illustration
True Second complication illustration 

If the diagrams are clicked, the consumer is taken to the Geophysic True Second page on Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Web site. On this page, consumers learn that this type of watch is 11.7 mm thick and made with 270 pieces in a box size of 39.6 mm.

This page also lets consumers browse the Geophysic True Second watch in more detail and make a purchase either via ecommerce or over the phone with a Jaeger-LeCoultre representative. The watch retails for $17,500.

Below a third section directs consumers to Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Web site where the customer service page is the first to appear.

“The True Second campaign is featured prominently across digital properties from their Facebook page to their website and even in email,” said Marko Muellner, digital vice president and group director at Edelman, Portland. “Assuming their key audiences span age and geography, running the campaign across touch points is a great approach.

“That said, as is standard for many brands, the rich creative is mainly reformatted for each channel as opposed to customized for the context or audience mostly to engage there. email is largely still managed on a computer over a mobile device, and the experience can be bigger, bolder and with a clear invitation to explore more deeply,” he said. “Social on the other hand, is primarily mobile where video and slide shows tend to work better.

“The marketing team at Jaeger-LeCoultre did a good job of thinking broadly but could have gone deeper into the details to drive more engagement, sharing and reach.”

Making moves
As a timepiece brand, Jaeger-LeCoultre’s movements differentiate its watches from others in the crowded space. This, as well as the inspirations behind its watches, are often the focus of its marketing.

For example, Swiss watchmaker Jaeger-LeCoultre helped owners set their watches’ moonphase complications without a trip to the boutique through a mobile application.

Available for Apple devices, the “JLC Moonphase” provides owners of Jaeger-LeCoultre watches with tutorials to correctly set the moonphase complications on their timepiece. Producing an app that helps the consumer with maintenance may be a more welcomed download compared to one that simply pushes ecommerce or heavily showcases timekeeping technology (see story).

Also, Jaeger-LeCoultre paid tribute to one of its most important timepieces by examining the influencing scientific journey with three limited-edition releases.

Developed originally in 1958, Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Geophysic Chronograph wristwatch was created to celebrate the International Geophysical Year, an 18-month period that saw the cooperation of multiple nations working together for a geophysical research program. This “extraordinary adventure” inspired Jaeger-LeCoultre to design a timepiece capable of working under hazardous conditions (see story).

“Jaeger-LeCoultre’s brand DNA is well-established and technical innovation and tremendous attention to detail are at the core of that promise,” Mr. Muellner said. “Promoting the True Second technology and collection in depth is very much in keeping with why consumers wear their watches and hits the sweet spot of their key audiences.”

Final Take
Jen King, lead reporter on Luxury Daily, New York

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